  • IT顾问
  • 计算机系统工程师
  • 资讯系统经理
  • 游戏开发者
  • 信息安全分析师
  • 电气工程师
  • 数据库管理员
  • 软件开发人员
  • 数据科学家


Are interested in both hardware and 软件 aspects of computer systems. 


Coursework that challenges you to evaluate, 设计和维护计算机系统, resolve problems and create advancements of computer technology. 高要求的职业.


  • 技术支持专员
  • 计算机程序员
  • 法医计算机分析员
  • 工业工程师
  • Web开发人员


电脑 engineering is a degree program in the 工程学院 and provides a background in three broad areas: computer hardware, 软件, 以及软硬件集成. Fundamental topics included in the program are embedded systems, 计算机体系结构, 数字系统, 嵌入式机器学习, 算法和操作系统. 除了, the program includes core subjects that are common to all engineering disciplines and basic university studies in humanities and social sciences. The Bachelor of Science in 计算机工程 program is accredited by the Engineering 认证 Commission of ABET, http://www.abet.org, under the commission’s General Criteria and Program Criteria for Electrical, 电脑, 通信, Telecommunication(s) and Similarly Named Engineering 项目.


The 计算机工程 program allows students to tailor their studies within broad parameters. Students are encouraged to develop an individual program of study in close consultation with their advisers. Examples are available to illustrate how specialization may be obtained in a number of different technical areas. Students may mix and match from the examples to suit their particular interests.


计算机体系结构/数字VLSI - VLSI designers and computer architects design computer system hardware, including how the CPU communicates with various types of memory and high-performance multi-processor systems. VLSI design focusses on the lower levels of abstraction: transistor-level and physical-level design; whereas 计算机体系结构 focuses on the higher levels of abstraction: architecture and gate-level designs.

〇网络物理系统 deals with the interaction of computing elements monitoring/controlling physical entities, 通常在一个大的网络中.

嵌入式系统 deals with the design of a dedicated computer system to perform a specific task, 通常需要实时约束. 智能手机就是一个例子.

电脑系统- deals with the close interaction between a system’s hardware and 软件.


The Electrical and 计算机工程 building is part of an eight building engineering complex. The building contains specialized laboratories and equipment. Numerous grants and donations from the National Science Foundation and private industry have provided valuable equipment. Laboratories along with department and University computer capabilities support education and research. Students also have full access to computer clusters located in the ECE building and throughout the campus. These and other major computer resources are tied to local, 区域, national and international computer networks, and remote access is provided for all ECE 软件.


Transfer students from international institutions must have a 3.00平均绩点.

进一步, the department policy is that transfer courses equivalent to ECE 173 (or CSCI 160), ECE 275, EE 206 and all required math must have a C or better before enrolling in ECE courses listed in the curriculums for Junior & 高级年.


高 school students should attempt to complete one unit of physics, four units of mathematics and one unit of chemistry.


研究生s may find work as design engineers (computer hardware, 软件及系统), 电脑顾问, sales and customer support engineers or as engineers involved with computer-aided manufacturing and testing.


研究生 studies leading to a master’s degree or doctoral degree are offered in the department. 详情请参阅 毕业生公告.


The 合作教育计划 allows students to alternate classroom study with a series of paid professional work experiences related to electrical and computer engineering. These experiences increase in complexity as the student's background increases. The program provides opportunities for pre-graduation experience in the profession, exploration of several career opportunities, 教育经费, an enriched degree and enhanced opportunities for employment following graduation.